C’Moi Rules

10 key rules to be a C’Moi girl


  • First feminine. Then, feminist.
  • Take care of yourself. As a poet said, “Beauty is essential.”
  • Be passionate. Let them know you’re alive!
  • Be a better version of yourself. That is your super power.
  • Smile to the world
  • A true C’Moi girl does not compete with others. She coexists and we all win.
  • Be united with other girls. Supporting each other makes us better.
  • Gossip Girl belongs to the past. A C’Moi girl knows how to keep her secrets.
  • Words are powerful. Choose them carefully to be a better version of yourself.
  • C’Moi is not just shoes, it is the lifestyle of a muse.


  1. Female first. Then feminist.

A C’Moi girl is aware of what it means to be feminine and it is what makes her different, and gives her the power to achieve what she wants; without having to be masculine. She is unique and confident.

C’Moi girl does not pretend to act and be equal to a man, she is capable of working hard with them, without losing her essence; because being feminine is not being weak, is what defines us as women capable of achieving our goals.

As Simone de Beauvoir said, “A femme libre est exactement le contraire d’une femme légerè”, meaning that a free woman is the opposite of an easy girl.


  1. Take care of yourself. As a poet said, “Beauty is essential.”

Our body is a temple, take care of it! Because that means that you are taking care of your soul and your skills.

Each person has a story and it is up to you how to explain it. Try to transform your worst moments into something good and positive to grow inside out.

Take care of yourself, C’Moi girl! Because nobody will do it for you.


  1. Be passionate. Let them know you’re alive!

Passionate girls do not go unnoticed … this is a C’Moi girl! She is the girl who enters a place and people turn to look at her, to observe her beauty, her power, her energy. This girl is alive and knows what she wants!


  1. Be a better version of yourself. That is your super power.

Our individuality is what difference us to others, we are all unique creatures in this world and our girls know it. They are not afraid to show what they are, they accept every part of their personality and body and defend it to the last. Remember: Knowing who you are is your best weapon, use it to build your castle.


  1. Smile to the world!

One of the strongest woman’s weapons is her smile and how to smile in front of  life’ situations; a big smile will make the world fall at your feet. For this, the first step is to have a good dentist and take good care of this power.


  1. A true C’Moi girl does not compete with others. She coexists and we all win.

Don’t compete with other girls, we are all sisters. We all have our own power and together we excel. Together we win!


  1. Be united with other girls. Supporting each other makes us better.

We have to stick together! Always support your friends, both in good and bad times.

This is the greatest rule: Defend your sisters because they will always be there when you need them.


  1. Gossip Girl belongs to the past. A C’Moi girl knows how to keep her secrets.

Know who you can tell your secrets, because unfortunately not everyone is like you, a person with big dreams and with the need to shine. Learn who you can trust and share your projects and energy with!


  1. Words are powerful. Choose them carefully to be a better version of yourself.

A very important rule to follow: do not tell your problems to others, most of them will be happy to know that things are not going as you expect.

Many times the people we can trust are few and we have to choose them wisely.

A C’Moi tip: Do Yoga if your mind doesn’t stop thinking, it will really help you!


  1. C’Moi is not just shoes, it is the lifestyle of a muse.

 C’Moi is not just a product, it is a lifestyle. If you wear our shoes, it is because you understand our rules and are aware that you are different and truly special.

The journey of this brand has just started and you are invited. Get ready to connect with people like you in different cities of the world such as London, Paris, Barcelona and more. Many surprises await you!


We officially welcome you to the C’Moi world.

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